Monday, April 21, 2008

The End

No it isn't.

I wrapped up two more classes today, and my last exam is tomorrow morning. I have the question that the entire exam is based on, but I still don't feel great about it. If I were Blake, I'd be stoked to answer the question, because I would be in love with historiography. But I'm not, and I'm not.

I spent most of the day at school, and like last monday, I got so much done it's making my head spin to think about. I took a break midday-ish to try an infrared sauna. It was pretty neat, and I have never perspired (blogger said 'sweated' wasn't a word) like that in my life. Gross, yet very relaxing and almost refreshing.

The rest of my week is pretty straight forward. After I finish tomorrow, I have to focus on contacting employers around edmonton to try and set up a job to start next week. Which can totally happen. I have the names of several companies and employers up there, so I just need to get in touch with them.

Anyway, I'm really excited and anxious these days. I've had my semester come down to the last two weeks, and I think I crushed it. One more to go. One more to go.

'If it looks like I'm laughing, I'm really just asking to leave'

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