Saturday, April 19, 2008

Soul Meets Body

Busy week.

A week ago I made my infinite list of things to do. Although I plowed through this week in sort of a trance, I didn't get it all done. I got thursday's and friday's assignment/task pushed back to this monday. Which is kind of lame, I was ready to rock and would have preferred it to be done by now. So I have monday, then my history exam on tuesday. I'm feeling pretty good about those three classes.

I leave for alberta next week. I've been applying to a bunch of jobs, and this is the one I'm aiming at:

Title: Floorhand - service rig
Terms of Employment: Permanent, Full Time, Overtime, Weekend, Day
Salary: $23.90 Hourly for 65 hours per week, Bonus, Other Benefits
Anticipated Start Date: As soon as possible
Location: Grande Prairie, Alberta (20 vacancies )
Experience: Will train

Sick. There's like 100 more vacancies like this all over in various spots all over the province. Three of us are going to Alberta, and hopefully we'll all get on together. If not, then I have no problem going on by myself. Should be a really good experience. I'm really not going for a positive experience, or for a sweet time with friends. I'm also not going so I can spend my weekends and time off having a good time. I'm going to make as much money as I possibly can. If I can sort of isolate myself, all the better.

Between now and then I have a pile of stuff to take care of. I'll be coming home the day before my graduation ceremony, which is June 3rd. I figure I'll spend 5 weeks in Alberta, and if I'm somewhat successful, I'll go for 5 or 6 more weeks when in June/June.

It seems like life is happening in a hurry. I feel really fortunate to be in a situation where I can do what I want. A different setup and I could see myself being pressured into looking a little broader than just looking out for myself.

Totally changing the subject, I wanted to mention a few small highlights from my week. My presentation at the undergrad research symposium was really successful and the observers were really intrigued with my work. Also, props to my buddy blake for running fairly hot at online poker recently. I haven't been playing much, but I do enjoy watching him play deep into tournaments. After logging hundreds of hours last year at online poker, I can appreciate the thrill of running hot. I hope he keeps it up.

Lastly, I got ditched last night and wanted to just mention the circumstances. I was sort of confused, and maybe writing it out will provide some clarity. My buddy wanted to go out and drink last night. I didn't want to, nor do I have any money to. He offered to basically bankroll me for the night if I would wingman. So I did, and we went a few places, and I pretty much defined wingman the whole night. He appreciated it though, and kept the drinks coming. Then he randomly gets up and announces he has to leave, and takes off outside. I follow, and he gets in a random car with random people, and they take off. Ok. I was just kind of confused about why, but I suppose the guy is just running free. Which is fine.

have a good weekend...

'I’m on my feet
I’m on the floor
I’m good to go'

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