Monday, April 14, 2008

The Last Fight

It's going to be a long night.

I'm planning two breaks until the time I finish this assignment. One to write this entry, and the other in a few hours to get my lime jello outta the fridge when it sets.

I was mentioning in my last entry this 20 pager that I planned to be immersed in tonight. The 20 pp's is what I had hoped for, and it was to be combined with another 20 page lit review that I did earlier in the semester. I mixed the two together already, and so I'm on page 49. And I'm still hours away. Hopefully 5 pages. I can't see it being that few though. I have 5 chapters to write, and I am midway through chapter 4. It isn't due early tomorrow, but I have too much going on tomorrow to even think of waiting until the a.m.

My dad's birthday was last night, and we went out for dinner at a nice restaurant. So naturally we ate tons and had a good laugh. I sort of take birthdays for granted when it comes to my parents, yet stress over getting older myself. Odd. Anyway, my dad's health has been declining in the last year or two, and I wonder if he'll live another 10 years. I wonder about that. There's not a whole lot I can do about that sort of thing, so I don't plan to dwell on it, just prepare to deal with whatever comes.

What else? Hmmm, I really like call of duty 4, and I wish I could play it more often with people. I manage to get a game or two in every few days, and it's a nice break.

Oh yeah, I was thinking about a weird phenomena that is bound to happen. I'm finishing school, for a while at least, and I'm about to lose track of time. I'm used to landmarks in my days, weeks, months from school. I'm so aware of hours in my day, and it creates highs when I reach a time landmark, like the end of a week or class. I think I might lose some of that high, because I might never be as aware of time as I am now. I bet I'll figure something out though.

Hope you had a decent weekend, maybe even a good one.

'I can tell it's winter from the size of the lump in my throat'

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