Sunday, December 30, 2007

The Road I'm On

Dec 30th. Almost 2008.

Usually at the end of the year I like to write about the year in summary, and plans for the year to come. But not this post. I just haven't thought enough about it.

Christmas is by and gone, and I'm sorta glad it is. I spent a pile of time with family, and a little with friends. To tell you the truth, that wasn't all that enjoyable. When my family comes together it seems forced at times, not to mention the tension when all three generations are in one room. Thats ok though, I only do it once a year, and it was nice to see my oma and gramma.

I DID get fairly spoiled, and I'm pretty grateful of how fortunate I am, and not just because of the gifts.

Tomorrow is New Years Eve, and bring on the parties. Except I'm really not in the mood to fork over $$ for an overpriced ticket somewhere, and no lucrative offers came up. So I'm probably doing nothing tomorrow night, which would probably be the first time ever. If only I cared...

Thanks for reading, and happy new year...

'He buzzes like a fridge, he's like a detuned radio'

Sunday, December 23, 2007

Deadbeat Holiday

This is probably my last post before the 25th. I'm heading over to my parents house for a few days, and won't be around a computer. I imagine it won't be long before I'm bored out of my mind, but that's not the point.

I'm not as excited as I have been about christmas, but once I get to my parents I'm sure that'll all change. We aren't cooking a bird for christmas, and that's fine by me. My parents would rather make something they want than be traditional. I like that.

Anyway, When I come home I imagine I'll have an armload. I'm giving away an armload as well, which is fun. Sometimes I think that I'm a pretty generous guy, but I always seem embarrassed by how little I give at christmas. I think I have a distorted look on it. Anyway, I got people some pretty cool stuff I think.

I've been burning dvd's for people for days. I think I made like 20. Not that I mind doing stuff for people, I just don't want to ever go through the process of making a dvd on my computer ever again.

I hope it's all good for you like it is for me.

'Now's the right time, for a good song'

Friday, December 21, 2007

Mother Superior

My mom has been going through a tough process at work. She's been trying to get a job that's been posted in upper management, and she had was told earlier in the year that she couldn't get it. So she looked for a similar job elsewhere, and found an upper management job in Victoria that was in the same field. When Nanaimo heard she was leaving, they offered her an opportunity to apply for the job here. So she stayed.

That was a while back. Yesterday my mom had the job interview, and was offered the job. She took it, and I'm pretty stoked. She gets her own truck! I'm just happy for her I guess. For my mom I think the holidays are going to be good no matter what happens from here on in.

Hope you have a moment like this over the break, where you can weigh all the time against one moment, and decide that the holidays were good or successful.

'Cold comfort for change'

Wednesday, December 19, 2007


A poker tournament.

$4 buy-in, 180 person sit'n'go, 215$ first place, 18 get paid, I got 4th. Those are the particulars. I think part of my strength as a poker player is being able to scrutinize my own play effectively. I made 2 smart plays and 2 bad plays over the almost 4 hours that I played, and it cost me winning more money.

Bad Move #1
I was in the small blind with 55 people left, and I was below average stack wise, but not low. I had been unsuccessful at stealing blinds, and I decided that I needed these blinds to start building back up. So when it was folded back to me, I pushed with 10/3. And I got called by the big blind, who had 9/q. I rivered a ten to double up, but what a bad play. I was impatient and it should have busto'd me in 55th. Luck.

Good Move #1
19 people left. On the bubble of making the money. I'm in 11th, and comfortable. I wind up in this hand with another guy that doesn't feel right, and I'm afraid I'm going to lose my stack. I have k/9 and the board reads k/6/2/6/9. The way the guy was betting didn't tell me anything, and when he shoved on the river, I was stuck. I tanked, and thought for at least a minute (half hoping someone else at another table would bust in the meantime) before folding. The guy flashed a 6, and refused to believe me when I said I had k/9.

Good Move #2
9 players left, and I'm excited that I'm actually going to make money. I'm in 4th. I see q/8 on the dealer button, and everyone folds to me. So i raise, and the big blind calls. The flop comes j/5/4, and the big blind bets out. I had played with him for over an hour, and eventually decided he was trying to steal. So I raised, and he folded to my resteal. With that hand I set a standard of stealing that would put me into first and give me a great shot.

Bad Move #2
4 people left, and the top 3 make decent money. My aim was for top 3. In 2nd place, I got into an unraised hand with the chip leader and the last place guy. I had j/q. flop comes 8/10/q. I think that because I was basically invincible until this point, I thought I could win the hand. I bet, CL raised, I thought and shoved. He instacalled with j/9, and I didn't improve. Patience would have been so much smarter, and the next hand someone else went busto. 2 hands, and the difference between me making 60$ or a lot more.

'home again, I like to be here when I can'

Tuesday, December 18, 2007


Christmas vacay is in full swing. And it's good to be here. I actually have next to nothing to write about, as I've been doing next to nothing (kinda the plan all along). Did some christmas type shit, you know.

So I'm listening to this song today, and it got me interested in the title. So I'll work backwards and tell you the story.

April 2006 in Tasmania. There's a mine with 17 guys working when an earthquake collapses the mine. 14 guys get out right away, and one guy is crushed to death from collapsed rock. Two men remain alive, but they're trapped real good, and almost a kilometer below the surface. Both had minor injuries, but were ok.

The two men survived by drinking ground water. The one guy had a muesli bar with him, and they waited a few days before splitting it (although one guy dropped and lost most of his half). Weak. The mine was still pretty unsafe for any rescue efforts, but some blasting was done to try and regain the tunnel, and find the men. Nobody knew they were still alive at that point.

After 5 days, thermal imaging revealed that the two men were still alive. So above ground they were scrambling to figure something out, underground the boys were entertaining hope. The blasting stopped because it was too dangerous, and a small hole was drilled all the way down (about 9cm's wide). Water, food, and communications were delivered. They would be given stuff until a bigger hole could be drilled to get them out.

When asked what they wanted, one guy said that he wanted an mp3 player with some foo fighters music. So along with letters from family, deoderant, warm clothes, and light, the guys got their ipod. And a letter from Dave Grohl. "Though I'm halfway around the world right now, my heart is with you both, and I want you to know that when you come home, there's two tickets to any Foos show, anywhere, and two cold beers waiting for yous. Deal?"

So after 14 days underground, the guys were pulled through a drilled hole, and walked out. They went to the mine gate, switched their safety tags to 'safe', and went home.

Eventually, Grohl was taken up on his offer... And over a year later, the Foo Fighter's released their latest album. Check out track 9.

'Half of the time we're gone, but we don't know where'

Wednesday, December 12, 2007

Piglet's Lament

Ahh yes. A lament. Seems the time of year when I hear a lot of laments. So I decided to hear Piglet's. I think that if you have your own laments, you can gain some perspective and/or insight from listening to others. Anyways, Piglet.

So Piglet is mourning, and I'm doing my best to listen. He's too small he says, and I'm too respectful to interject and point out that his friend Roo is actually smaller. He goes on in his squeaky voice. Apparently too many people don't take him seriously, but he's too timid to take a stand for himself.

I reassure him that size has no bearing on will, which he has in spades. Humble as always, Piglet continues to try to find faults in himself. Of course, Piglet has a friend who laments much more. Eeyore spends most of his time moping around and sympathizing for his own 'bothersome' situation.

After listening to Piglet, and considering Eeyore's case, I come to my own conclusion. And I'm keeping it to myself.

'Now I'm getting that sick taste in my mouth'

Tuesday, December 11, 2007

Tired Of You

Can't wait until 9pm.

Two hours until I write my History exam, and I need a breather. Open book exams have never kicked my ass like this before. I've almost mastered this psychological exam feeling I get. I tend to study and prepare well enough, but lose interest in getting a good mark close to writing time. I then just plug through it, not really caring how I do, as long as I never have to look at it again. I've been working on that, trying to keep interest for long enough to prepare and write a good test.

One more exam after history, on Thursday morning. That'll be a breeze. I'm not even worried about research methods.

If I had stuck with my original program at school, I would have graduated this week with my teaching degree. Instead I'll grad in the spring with a degree that I think is more versatile. All the friends I made in that program are applying to teach now, which is kinda weird. Had a few 'grown up' moments this week actually.

Anyway, I applied for a few jobs but didnt really follow up, so I don't really have much to do over the break. Which is nice, but bad on the bankroll. I plan on working out lots, spending time with family and friends, and brushing up on some weak parts of my online poker game. I have been playing single table tournaments (stt's) really well, and totally sucking in multi table tournaments (mtt's). It's a totally different game, and I seem to get good at one and forget how to play the other. Me and blake will pound out some hours and figure out our bugs.

Peace love and understanding...

'I'm sure of your ability, to become my perfect enemy'

Saturday, December 8, 2007

If I Had It All

It's the weekend and I am so unmotivated to study for exams. I went to the pool and swam, except I suck at water. I was tired after 0.5 lengths. Anyway, the steam room was goood. My parents made me dinner tonight, and I miss good food.

If you need a song, dmb has a good one called "if i had it all". Definitely a goodie. I like songs that actually sing about something.

I'll be one roommate down soon as Saul is heading to Mexico. I hope he brings back something good (tequila, herpes, something...).

Anyway, bring on American history for the last time.

'There are no flowers, no not this time, there'll be no angels gracing the lines'

Friday, December 7, 2007

Roller Queen

Just finished exam #1. Two more to go, and I feel the break coming. It's still around the corner, but it's close. Damn this fall flew by. I can't wait to rest and play video games and poker. I haven't blogged much on the basis that school sucks. I've been pretty stressed lately. I'm calling this in the air, I'm gonna be sick a week today.

I haven't played music for like 3 weeks, and half our band is leaving for the break. Which is pretty lame. I have this sinking feeling that we will never do anything together except play in our house. After the spring, 3 of the 4 of us will be graduated, and we all won't be sticking around. It sucks because I would much rather play with friends than play with better musicians that weren't as good friends.

In my wildest dreams I would love to make something happen musically, whether it be a live show or something bigger. In reality I am really busy, and this music thing HAS to take a back seat to school. So I have to try not to get frustrated with our lack of direction and enjoy the little time we have left. At most we play a few times a week, and sometimes it goes weeks in between sessions. The best part about playing music with these guys is that we can combine our skill set (albeit a limited set at that) to actually produce a sound I am proud of. That's the part I'll remember most.

Thanks for stoppin by.

'And how can we win, when fools can be kings'

Sunday, December 2, 2007

Viginti Tres

I'm still in awe.

Tool was amazing. We got to our spots a little early, and it felt like it took them forever to come out. It was well worth the wait. Although very quirky, Maynard is a hell of an artist. He sort of stayed in the background the whole time, never really acting like the clichéd rockstar frontman.

Danny Carey had a sick drum solo when Tool played 46 and 2, and it stole the show. The guy is such a sick drummer. He had like a 30 piece set in front of him. Pretty intense. I basically stood there in a hypnotic state for an hour and a half.

I really wanted to hear Parabol/Parabola, but they didn't play it, which wound up being ok. I would say the best song was probably Rosetta Stoned, just because of the mid section. So amazing. Anyways, we made it home despite the road conditions. Now back to the books I guess.

School might be canceled tomorrow. Don't tease me.

'Angels on the sideline, puzzled and amused'

Friday, November 30, 2007


This week has been so tough. I went to the gym a few times to burn some stress, and it totally helped. In five days I wrote some 8,000 words, and I'm still behind. Oh well. Tomorrow I go see Tool in Victoria, and my oh my. I'm excited. So many people I know are going too, which is rad. I'm trying not to over-hype myself, but I know I'm gonna be hypnotized the whole time.

So theres this new 'in' word that everyone at school is using, and it's starting to sort of annoy me. I actually don't mind the word, which is 'gnarly'. It's so overused in every context. If you go out drinking for example, you can try a gnarly new drink, dress up real gnarly, and feel gnarly the next morning. C'mon.

Saul brought home a bunch of food from some school thing. Oy vey is all I can say. So much food. Jeremy took a game off me at squash. He's getting way better. Other than that, things have been kinda bland around here this week. Oh yeah, and the weather has been as weird as the neon triangles and squares that dance in front of my eyes.

Thx for reading

'We barely remember, who or what came before, this precious moment'

Tuesday, November 27, 2007

Head Over Feet

Quick story then I have to get back to my paper. Touch of irony that needs to be shared.

I'm sitting at my computer when my wandering eye catches a sign in the library lobby. What makes it soooo good is that everyone can see it. So the sign is advertising the writing center, and when it closes for the break. But the grammar is all wrong. Which is brilliant. I think that's about it.

Oh yeah, I'm doing my gymnastics warmup tomorrow in class. To the backstreet boys. Weak.

lata p'tata

'Will you slam shut, or free your mind, or stay hypnotised?'

Monday, November 26, 2007

How To Be Dead

And then it snowed. WTF? yeah get this. It snowed enough for the library to close, but nothing else. And that History paper due tomorrow, all the primary sources are on reserve at the library. So rad. Are you freakin kidding me?

So I figure, hey its snowing, school might be canceled anyway. You know, maybe save my ass another day to get to the library. Then it starts to rain and the snow goes away. I have this weird vein jutting out of my forehead that won't go away. Hmmm.

This blog wasn't actually meant to be a rant. I think out of 20 entries I've only ranted twice, which is decent. For my next 20 entries my goal is to cut down on that number.

Points of note:
▫ Kelsey made the most amazing cake. So good.
▫ The pub at school sucks at nachos.
▫ The Firehouse Grill doesn't.
▫ I'm graduating sooo soon. Its crazy to think about.

Thanks for reading, and excuse the rant...

'so sweetheart tell me what's up I won't stop, no way'

Is Anybody Home?

Its Monday afternoon of THE week. The last 12 have come down to this week. There are so many weak idioms that I could toss in, so I think I will. As many times as I can in this entry actually, it'll be off the hook.

So I thought this major assignment was due wednesday, and it was balls to the wall. But no dice. Got an extension until next monday. Which is dope, cause I was on the fritz.

Got my First final exam marks back from one of my classes, which was a walk in the park to be frank. Scored +90%, and so that got my mojo workin. lol.

So yeah, I was all gung ho to pull a graveyard tonight, but with a few extra days before its all due, I can just hit the hay when I run out of steam.

Thats all...

'You haven't seen the world outside for days'

El Manana

The weekend kinda cruised by. I got a lot of homework done, but not enough. I'm still behind. Congrats to Sask for the grey cup win. Missed the grey cup parties this year because of schoolwork. My mom makes more food then than she does at thanksgiving. Its pretty redic.

Got some new music this weekend. The new Gorillaz is growing on me.

Cool stories... ummm...

a. patriots are 11-0. yaaawn.
b. rediscovered pasta and meat sauce.
c. Saw the light of day over 48 hours ago. Not since.
d. listened to 157 songs today. sick.
e. Read so many journal articles I developed a facial tic when I now hear/read the words 'standard deviation'. I'll fucking deviate the next journal that says that.

Thats it. Have a good week.


'time you aint no friend of mine'

Wednesday, November 21, 2007

Just Like Anyone

Pluggin away

It's midweek in the library, and I feel so behind. I'm at the start of 2 straight weeks of crunch, so it's bad to feel bogged down already. I'm progressing though, its just slow.

There's a poker night at school tomorrow night, and I'm gonna win it. The winner gets a iPod shuffle. I already have an ipod, but a small one would be awesome to run with.

Saul's party on friday night, and my house is once again going to be a gong show. It's all good. I'm looking forward to working hard to deserve those two breaks in the week. The only two breaks I hope...

thx for reading. you rock.

'feel so sick, pay no price, stray so far, play no more'

Tuesday, November 20, 2007

I Can't Dance

I gotta stop talking about myself so much. It really isn't me to do that. So I'm going to tell a story that isn't about me.

A man is walking downtown not far from his house. He's in sort of a mood. Let's say he's in a mood to make something happen. He sees a girl as he's walking. It's been years since he's seen her, and he actually used to date her.

As they start talking, filling in the gaps of the years gone by, they start to wonder aloud what might have been. Of course, that was years ago, and now she has a child of her own. The two go their separate ways, and the man continues walking. He decides to write about it. So he finds a rock to sit on and writes about what just happened. This is what he writes:

Well I see ya holdin hands with your lover. And you're makin plans with each other. It fits real good on ya. Well don't worry, I didn't come to make things strange. Theres a reason why things change. She sees right through my thin disguise...


'Friends... check. Money... check. Well slept...'

Monday, November 19, 2007

Lost Art of Keeping a Secret

I have the sickest amount of homework due in the next two weeks. Like 70 pages+. That's gotta be the worst way to look at it, because it's getting kind of overwhelming. I broke it all down, and if I just work my ass off, it won't be too bad.

I'm about to live in the library for the next week or so. If I didn't have my ipod I'm pretty sure I would die.

Anyway, I won an online tourny this weekend, although it wasn't for any sort of real money prize. Felt good to destroy an entire field though.

Oh yeah. I went and saw Colin James in concert last night. The guy is an unbelievable (sp?) guitarist. Other than poker and Colin James, and squash on saturday, I basically spent the weekend doing journal entries and powerpoint presentations. woot.


'I wish I was a catfish, swimming in the deep blue sea'

Saturday, November 17, 2007

November Rain

too ra loo

Nice little Saturday actually. I did some homework, went to the gym and played some squash, and had an awesome dinner.

Maybe I should have done more homework, but I'll get to that. New killers album out, and even thought I've heard most of the b-sides, it's still hot. For music I'm also loving the new Coheed and Cambria album.

On the same topic, my bandmembers and I have come up with a decent name for a band after playing together almost a year. 'Harlot' is what we landed on. I like it.

Keep it real.

'If it keeps on raining, the levee's going to break'

Friday, November 16, 2007

Seek Up

Got a big bag of nibs - ↑

Spent the day in the rain - ↓

I like this whole blogging thing. Lets me get generic stuff off my chest and make life a little easier. I don't like really bitching about anything, so I think this is as close as i get to that.

School is trying to get me down, but I won't let it get to me. I am enjoying poker these days, which is a change. Sometimes I do things that I don't always like/enjoy, which makes no sense when I think about it.

Anyway, if you do ever read this, I wanna hear from you.

I want to go to this formal thing coming up, but I don't have anything to wear...

thanks for reading.

'shapes of every size, move behind my eyes'

Wednesday, November 14, 2007

Turn It Again

I had 2 breakfasts this morning! It doesn't get better than that, so....

Thanks for reading. Have a good day!


'There's a piece of a puzzle known as life
Wrapped in guilt, sealed up tight'

Tuesday, November 13, 2007

Down Poison

Monday off wooo

Spent my day off doing homework for the most part, but it was nice to have the day. I basically have fridays off, and you know how sweet 4-day weekends are.

I spent the weekend gorging in food, playing poker online and live, and I actually got out to the gym. I didn't forget why I had a long weekend either. Remembrance Day came and went, and I have respect for the men and women who fought for where we are today. I thought the Canadian media did a good job to 'promote' Remembrance Day (not a good word).

Anyway, BC and Sask next weekend for the western championship, and my bro is going. So jealous. What else? Christmas break is sooo close, I can already feel it. Sweeet.


'The boulevard is not that bad'

Monday, November 12, 2007

Bittersweet Poetry

The Fence

Caught at the foot of the titanic root,
I realize his power and am subconsciously captivated,
Without movement, the tree lurks like a brute,
Blocking the sun with his arms elongated.

I cant stare too long, for a flaw found falters image,
As I turn I see new beauty: a half dozen mouths grazing,
The wary farmer comforts my presence as he shops in the village,
Behind me the fence, ahead my view amazing.

Wanting what's not, I crave the other three seasons,
Each season stems serially from a hope all too nice,
The white, the colour, the orange are my reasons,
To why the young year's green pleases but won't suffice.

As the grazers migrate to a distant lawn mower my view also turns,
Back to perfection, to the solitary oak,
In the midst of a field which waves like a flame burns,
Goose bumps in this haven cover me like a cloak.

Its always too soon I have to turn back to the fence,
To jostle and bustle and tarry and flurry,
One day the perfect calm will be gone, until whence,
The wind will still make me tear as it makes the tree blurry.

'A poem begins with a lump in the throat'

Thursday, November 8, 2007

Barely Listening

So I basically slept through my whole week. Felt really nice to recharge after a stressful few days, but I need to get used to that. My next 3 weeks are going to be a blur of school work.

Haven't done a whole lot thats been interesting in the last few days.

So I was half planning on playing for a soccer team in Parksville/Port Alberni. The guys are all my age, and I know most of them. I went out for a practice and basically decided I wasn't going to play. It is so unorganized, and I think I'm too busy anyways.

I've been thinking of trying the marathon thing again. I would start in January, for the May race. I need to put a little more thought into it than I did last year. I'll see some specialists and see what an ideal training regimen would look like.

Oh yeah, one other thing. Blake and I have decided that over the winter break we're gonna get really good at poker. Ha. Riiight.


'And I will turn off, And I will shut down, The chemicals are restless in my head'

Tuesday, November 6, 2007

Getaway Car


Just finished my midterm. you ever get the feeling like you wanna just waste the entire day after you get something stressful over with? I actually got class all day, so that won't really work too well. Studying went decent yesterday, and when I eventually got a headache, I was pleasantly surprised that drugs actually worked.

Right now is kind of a weird time, and it's hard to explain why. There's a pile of things that are making life kind of foreign right now. First off, both my roommates are in transition, which is trickling down a little bit on me. I've got new friends and I don't see most of my old(er) associations, which isn't bad.

Anyway, nothings wrong. Things just feel a little different. Now I plan to read other blogs and chill with my ipod until my next class. If you want to read a crazy blog entry, check out


'Excuse me please, one more drink
Could you make it strong cause I don’t need to think'

Monday, November 5, 2007

Butterflies And Hurricanes


i'm about to spend the rest of my day in the library with a text book preparing for tomorrow's midterm. I couldn't be more unexcited. So i'm pausing to think of better things.

three weeks and my roommate is having a birthday party at our house, and it always promises to be the party of the year. 4 weeks and I go see tool in victoria. I also want to see the trans siberian orchestra in vancouver, but its the night before tool, and i need to be semi-energized for that.

What else is good? I learned some new stuff on my bass, downloaded some new music, and started 'interview with the vampire'. Thats all. Maybe I'll post an update in 8 hours from the library.

'young hearts be free tonight'

Sunday, November 4, 2007

Death Of Seasons

Wow a lot has happened in the last like 3 days. Since thursday I have been on cruise control and I'm now snapping out of it. here's what shook down in the last few...

Thursday a buddy of mine from the soccer team got beaten down at the bar, and spent the night getting his face put back together. Some kind of experience. The Nanaimo night scene is getting better and better.

Friday I went to the driving range and took out the driver for the first time ever. I know its not a bomb, but I can hit the ball around 230 yards, except I can't get it down. The loft I get with my driver is the same as with my 7 iron. which is just silly if you ask me.

Last night I played cards with the 'good old boys'. I walked away up 150$. I wasn't even getting good cards. But it was good to see the guys again, and I really like how graciously they lose. seriously. They don't even care as long as we get to hang out.

Earlier in the week I bought some clothes, played some music with the guys, and went to dinner with amanda and jen, which was pretty fun. Oh, and I found sour dino's. Now all thats left is homework, sunday poker online, and the colts/patriots. and I have tv to watch it. Oh snap. Tom Brady is going to fall hard in about an hour, and I don't even feel bad for the guy.


'I woke the same as any other day
Except a voice was in my head
It said seize the day, pull the trigger
Drop the blade, and watch the rolling heads'

Wednesday, October 31, 2007

So Cold

Its halloween. Everywhere around campus are amazing costumes that make me laugh. Props to Kris P and his Captain Alaska thing. Brilliant. Lowry came into class as The Flash, and we all fell off our chairs laughing.

Not much going on today, except it's goddamn freezing outside.

So whats with people who wear poppies like two weeks before remembrance day? These people are SO good. It's like, I have respect, but you beat me to it. I can't compete with that. That's just me being a cynic, and I think I do that too much.

After today my week gets ridiculously easy. I have no plans for the next like 4 days though, so I dunno. One thing is for sure, I woke up on the wrong side of the bed this morning.

Thanks for reading...


' I dream myself a thousand times around the world, But I can't get out of this place'

Tuesday, October 30, 2007

9 Times A Day

Sitting in the library looking to get some work done, so I figured I blog first and then get down to it. We got cable today at home, and apparently we got a pretty good deal on it, which is rad. Not really a huge t.v. fan, except for sports highlights and canucks games.

So later today in class some people are presenting this thing on blind sports, which may sound weird but it is within the realm of the class. Apparently we're gonna try this really cool game called 'goalball'. check it out (

Anyways, just wanted to say that long days in the library suck, and so do 3 hour night classes.


'I'm what's left, I'm what's right, I'm the enemy'

Monday, October 29, 2007

Now The World


So here's my first go around at a blog. Basically this blog will report on the life and times of my last year of undergrad studies. I'm a pretty busy guy so there'll always be lots to write about.

I love to write, so I plan on updating this thing every day, even if its just a word or two. I love music, and you might find hints of music related stuff everywhere in this blog. I believe in easter eggs, so happy hunting around here for them!

Anyway, thanks for visiting, and leave me a comment if you want to test me in anything you read about, or just to say hi...


'Ticking away the moments that make up a dull day'

Another Sunday

I had a really good weekend, although I felt a little guilty for not doing enough homework. It was my first free weekend in a few months now that soccer is done, and I took full advantage and basically chilled for 3 days.

Boston took the World Series last night. Good for them. I was really hoping Jeff Francis could get a ring, but Boston is TOO good. Maybe one of the best teams ever. Who can get enough of Manny being Manny?

I played a bunch of poker yesterday, and just didn't see any decent results. Sundays are pretty exciting on Stars, theres always tons going on, so I kept pretty busy most of the day.

So whats up with Halloween? I turned down a couple parties to chill instead, and watch the ball game. I went hard enough on thursday night, probably the hardest I've gone all year. So that works for me. I don't really like Halloween anyways.

Thanks for reading...


'On any other day, It's all rest and flowers'

Saturday, October 27, 2007

Life and love and why

Lets start this thing right. With a funny story. I was on the cusp of losing my virginity. I won't say how old I was, it was tough enough for me then. I don't need more flack about it now. Anyway, I was lucky enough to see it coming, so I was able to try and script things a little bit. Here's what happened.

Me and this girl had been seeing each other for a little while, and it was really evident that this particular Saturday was going to be 'The Day'. Or 'The Night' so to speak. So I reso'd dinner at some fancy restaurant in another city, and we made the trek to start the evening off right. And it DID start off strong. Dinner was good, and I think I must have been confident in some ignorant way. After dinner, to be semi-funny, I ask "what now?" She knew and I knew, so we left the restaurant to head home. Anyway, I had locked my keys in the car.

I had no cell of course, and I also had such limited funds that I wouldn't be able to pay the tow truck driver. Brilliant. I had a spare set of keys at home, but that was a half hour drive away. 20 minutes later we had a friend of mine drive the keys up to where we were. Of course, this guy (the friend) didn't know the status of the two of us, or the direction of our evening. And he wanted to hang out. Do I snub the guy who drove out of his way for me? Of course not.

It was starting to pile up a little bit for me. I was more than a little flustered by the whole night, not to mention the added pressure of the first time you have sex. Every time I looked over at whatsername, she just giggled away, enjoying my agony immensely. We finally made it home, and it HAD taken forever, like i had predicted earlier in the day. But we were finally alone, and the house was empty.

I guess the humour lies within the irony that that night was.

But I made it. And it was brutal.

Thanks for reading...

'when she goes storming out, i run for cover'